A. You can’t compare since they do different jobs. Benzoyl kills the acne P. bacteria responsible for pimples, pus, and redness, while glycolic acid deep cleans, and salicylic acid surface cleans your pores so bacteria can’t survive. One is a bacteria killer the other two are cleaners, using them together is a great acne tool.
- Daily, 100 mg zinc tabs reduce and heal pimples and redness, 15-30 mg maintains and allows new collagen growth to firm your skin for anti-aging.
- Men, disinfect your shaving razor after each use to prevent re-infecting your skin.
- Often the maturing body handles acne disease better with less break outs but still no available cure. Treatment, yes-cure no.
- Pores can fill up with dead skin cells and oil in 3 days to start a pimple, blackheads can take 3 months before you see them.
Doctor Rx for acne and pimples.
- Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are FDA (Federal Food and Drug Administration) approved OTC (over the counter) active ingredients to treat acne.
- How benzoyl peroxide works: the "benzoyl" propels "peroxide" into the follicle releasing oxygen killing the anaerobic Acne P. bacteria responsible for acne lesions. Anaerobic defines a bacterium that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. Benzoyl peroxide is a topical treatment to control mild to moderate acne pimples and help prevent the appearance of new blemishes. It is rated just below tetracycline which has the highest test rating.