Salicylic acid, commonly linked to beta hydroxy acids, occurs naturally in nature from the leaves of wintergreen and the bark of sweet birch trees.
The molecular chain is larger than glycolic alpha hydroxy acid and unable to penetrate as deeply into your skin making it excellent for acne and aging surface work.
Our special synergistic formulas combine our glycolic and salicylic acid for effective and innovative skin care with unwanted side effects. There’s simply no comparison.
It's your skin's friend and acne's nightmare, our exclusive salicylic prevents and removes blackheads and clogged pores. If left unattended these would allow the progression of the acne P. bacteria to cause a break-out. Utilizing its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties to reduce bacteria so your skin can start to heal…good-bye pimples!
Age blaster, the sloughing-action removes surface wrinkles and lines, increases cell renewal restoring your youthful skin texture and tone, softens and removes dead skin…even in your pores so they look smaller!
We set a new standard for results, place your order today and watch the magic happen.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) | Information
Peptide | Information